Rainy Days
I've been away from blogging for a long time. Finals crept up on me...and then proceeded to bury me beneath a cascade of papers and books. I missed writing a lot but there just never seemed to be time. I'm going to make time from now on.
My good friend Cody, a guy I've known since kindergarten, became a father today. He and his girlfriend, Sara, now have a little girl named Ayva Lyn. She was born today at 3:44 p.m. and is only 6 pounds! I cannot wait to meet her! Cody has wanted to be a father for as long as I can remember; even though he's only 21, I know he will be an amazing father.
I'm trapped between two guys...
Boy #1 Pros: Incredibly sweet and totally brilliant. Cons: I'm not attracted to him in that way.
Boy #2 Pros: Just as brilliant; we butt heads with in a friendly, rival sort of way. Cons: I'm not attracted to him either.
Here's the kicker: they're friends with each other. The two guys and I are friends; we're all in the same major. OH, and I'm best friends with Guy #2's ex.
AWKWARD. This is a trainwreck waiting to happen, I can see it now.
I finally caught up and saw The Heat and Red 2. I also saw The Hobbit sequel without having read the book or seen the first Hobbit movie. I've also never read the LotR books either. The film still made sense but it just seemed like Harry Potter 7, Part I... One looooooooooooong ass camping trip. Maybe LotR just isn't for me.
I'm currently in the middle of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, which is set to be made into a movie later this year. So far, I like it.
After my hiatus from blogging, I'm ready to get back at it. So prepare yourself for some major writing coming up!
My good friend Cody, a guy I've known since kindergarten, became a father today. He and his girlfriend, Sara, now have a little girl named Ayva Lyn. She was born today at 3:44 p.m. and is only 6 pounds! I cannot wait to meet her! Cody has wanted to be a father for as long as I can remember; even though he's only 21, I know he will be an amazing father.
I'm trapped between two guys...
Boy #1 Pros: Incredibly sweet and totally brilliant. Cons: I'm not attracted to him in that way.
Boy #2 Pros: Just as brilliant; we butt heads with in a friendly, rival sort of way. Cons: I'm not attracted to him either.
Here's the kicker: they're friends with each other. The two guys and I are friends; we're all in the same major. OH, and I'm best friends with Guy #2's ex.
AWKWARD. This is a trainwreck waiting to happen, I can see it now.
I finally caught up and saw The Heat and Red 2. I also saw The Hobbit sequel without having read the book or seen the first Hobbit movie. I've also never read the LotR books either. The film still made sense but it just seemed like Harry Potter 7, Part I... One looooooooooooong ass camping trip. Maybe LotR just isn't for me.
I'm currently in the middle of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, which is set to be made into a movie later this year. So far, I like it.
After my hiatus from blogging, I'm ready to get back at it. So prepare yourself for some major writing coming up!
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