Birthday Weekend

     Saturday morning my mom needed a ride from the mechanic so they could repair her windshield.  It required me to wake up at 6am (on a SATURDAY) so she showed her appreciation by treating me to breakfast at IHOP.  Hot coffee gave me a swift kick in the rear and those blueberry pancakes were DELISH!

     On Sunday, my actual birthday, Mom and I decided to take a day trip to Martha's Vineyard.  It is by far my favorite place in the world, including Spain and England!  I guess that's saying a lot.

     We made a quick stop in Plymouth at a little bakery/breakfast nook I've been hearing rave reviews about.  We grabbed some o.j. and a muffin (or two) to go and headed south!

     There's something when the ferry pulls into port and you step off the gangplank.  It's like coming home; maybe it's memories of annual childhood vacations spent there, lazy days at the beach, swinging in a hammock or just the gallons of ice cream at your fingertips.  The salty air surrounds you and the breeze gently shifts the trees. There's an ambiance of this island that is comforting and warm.

      We spent some time shopping and then stopped for lunch at Offshore Ale House.  My family and I traditionally stop there as soon as we arrive every August, but for some reason we have never tried their stone oven-baked, thin crust pizza.  I apparently have been missing out on incredible pie for 22 years!  Mom and I are officially addicted.

     We walked down to the street of the house we'll be staying in when the rest of the family comes (less than a month from now!).  We finished shopping and decided to have a refreshing beverage along the waterfront.  It was a peaceful, relaxing day of quality time spent with my best friend.

     The return trip was uneventful; there was no traffic and I managed to make it home with ten minutes to get ready to leave again!  I quickly got ready and drove to Plymouth for dinner and drinks with my coworkers.

     I ended up having to do some strategic furniture arranging; even though I'd made a reservation for 14, more and more people kept showing up!  There was plenty of space, but as a group we're always so rowdy that we seem to take over restaurants.

      Lots of laughs, smiles and margaritas all around!  I got some wonderful presents, but most importantly got to spend some quality time in a casual environment with my coworkers who have become my friends!  

     I'm incredibly lucky to be surrounded by supportive, friendly and kind individuals.  Life takes us in strange directions sometimes but it's moments like these that remind me that time is fleeting but love?  Love is relentless, impervious and most importantly, infinite.


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