"It's a Beautiful Day and I Can't Stop Myself From Smiling..."

     So today was a good day...  I had to wake up at four this morning to finish my paper, which was extremely rough (see previous post about the paper). I managed to complete and email it to Ellen by noon.

     I showered and by the time I got out, I felt relieved and calm.  The steam and the coconut body scrub definitely helped, not to mention the knowledge that I was finally done with all of my exams and papers for this semester.

     I went to a meeting at a local restaurant for my study tour group.  We hung out, talked about the trip and ate lots of greasy, hot, delicious pizza!  We talked about Human Centipede immediately after we ate and I unfortunately was the only person who had actually seen the the film, so I was elected to describe the plot... We were all queasy after that.  Ellen and our other professor, Dr. Ben Carson, answered all of our questions.  Dr. Sexton was supposed to go with us but he is now unable to go and Dr. Carson is replacing him.  I learned from the advice of the professors on simple things like , and I offered some insight of my own.  We're going to have to keep a daily journal while we're abroad but I am thinking about asking Ellen and Ben if I can simply use my blog to count instead.  It's crazy to think that we only have a week and a half until we leave! Eek!

      I swung by the bookstore to return the books I rented.  I was considering keeping a few of the books for my own personal collection but I decided to wait and buy my own copies some other time.  I bought myself a new Camelbak waterbottle because the top of my other one is broken.  This one is purple - it makes me smile!

      I stopped for an iced tea and picked up my sister from school, with the windows down and "Beautiful Day" by Michael  Bublé blasting.  I spent most of my afternoon on the couch, just relaxing.  It feels good to just...do nothing.  Sitting.  Doing absolutely nothing.  Not constructive at all, but so nice considering the past week I've had.

      I regret not blogging more; I feel that I've been neglecting it lately.  What with six finals, two final exam take-home essays, two research papers, work and my alma mater's music concert, I've been out of my mind.  The POPs Concert last weekend was hard work; I was not only helping the music director, Mrs.Fernandes (A.K.A. Fern) both nights, but I performed on the second night with the alumni chorus.  The alumni chorus and band each performed two numbers, as a new addition to this annual concert.  It's the only concert that the music department ever charges admission for and even though it's usually just five dollars a person, the music program made over nine thousand dollars over two nights!  My mom is an active member of the Music Parents Association and I like to help out whenever I can.  It was fun and I look forward to performing again in future alumni performances.

      After the concert Saturday night, I went with Nikki to our friend Tayla's house.  It was fun for a little while but Nikki and I were the only non-high schoolers; we felt uncomfortable and bored fairly quickly.  We left after only a couple hours and went home, because we're old and wanted to go to bed.

     I saw The Great Gatsby this past Saturday with Tayla.  It was good surprisingly.  I liked the novel a lot when I read it in the tenth grade, but I was glad this movie stayed true to the storyline.  I always hated Tobey McGuire in the Spiderman trilogy but he actually did a decent job.  I haven't seen much of Leo DiCaprio's work but he was fantastic!  He gave Gatsby such a mysterious edge, but with a definite humanistic, uncertain touch that hinted at his insecurities that lie beneath his fancy suits, elaborate parties and speeding yellow car.  Overall, it was a great movie and I would definitely rent it when it is released to DVD.  Now I'm waiting for:
Star Trek 2 - Ben Cumberbatch??! YES PLEASE!
Superman - It looks amazing!
Now You See Me - I love action/heist movies and I think magic is the coolest; I love wondering how they managed to pull off a stunt and then they reveal it at the end!
and Iron Man 3I can't believe I haven't seen it yet!

      Today was a good day though.  It was long, but good.  My grandma is coming up this weekend to see my sister's fashion show and I'm excited to see her; I missed her a lot.  I'm prepping for England, reading and shopping, making lists and starting to pack.  *Sigh* I feel so much better.  Hope you're all having a splendid week!

"Beautiful Day" - Michael Bublé


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