7 Months

It's officially been 7 months since I was single. WHAT???!!! Where did all the time go??!! Seriously though, all kidding aside, the time has quite literally flown by. Summer is already almost over and my store started stocking Back to School merchandise almost a month ago (sadly).  More importantly, Billy* and I are celebrating dating for 7 months...!

Granted, we had been texting for almost a year prior to actually meeting so we've know each other for nearly a year and a half. Our "anniversary" is made up; I chose the day he told me he loved me... quite literally after only meeting once, he told me via text that he loved me.  I could have chosen the day we actually met on our first date, or the next day when he told me he wanted to be exclusive, or the day we had our second date and he told me in person that he loved me... 

We've had so many wonderful moments in the past 7 months. It hasn't been without its challenges too: I push his buttons and frustrate him, I can be super needy sometimes... he's insecure most of the time and has self esteem issues. But the good has always outweighed the bad 100 times over, and I knew I was falling for him before we ever met.  

He is kind, gentle and so sweet. He is so thoughtful, caring, loving, patient and smart. He makes me laugh like no one else and matches me wit for wit. He puts up with my insecurities, my neediness for constant attention, my mood swings, my childish impulses for trips to the zoo and watching Disney movies all day. He holds me when I'm scared and gives me space when I'm upset.

We might be in the honeymoon phase, and maybe all of this will change on day. But for now, I'm content and so grateful. I'm the luckiest girl to have him in my life in any capacity, let alone as my boyfriend.

Here's to many more months, weeks, days, hours I get to spend as yours and calling you mine. ♡


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