Course Selections

      I've spent the past year thinking that I was not going to be able to graduate on time.  I was convinced it would take me at least an extra semester (or more) to finish my undergraduate work.  Upon closer examination, I came to the realization that I only need SEVEN more classes to finish my major and only ONE more class to finish my minor.    I will get credit for one course this summer in England so that knocks one class off the list.  This means potentially graduating next spring, both a joyous and extremely frightening prospect.
      I was considering applying to the Disney College Program.  However, two things made this option scary to me: the unnamed price, absolutely nowhere to be found online, and the fact that I wanted to spend the final year of my degree at Bridgewater.  It turns out that the application window had closed so I couldn't apply anyway.  Maybe after college I will work for Disney!
     Course selections are in two weeks.  The way my school does it, the graduate students and seniors get to pick classes first, then the following day the juniors, etc.  The poor freshmen always get the crappy classes no one else wants, and they don't get to choose until orientation!  It sucks for them, but we all had to go through it.  So far it looks like my fall semester will consist of five courses for three credits each:

  • Senior Seminar: "Domestic Demons", Irish Literature
  • English Romantic Poets
  • Shakespeare Histories and Comedies
  • Southern Literature
  • and Psychology of Criminal Behavior
     I was considering taking a fifth English course but I think that may be too much for me to handle.  I think if I take four now and three next semester with maybe a theatre or dance class, maybe another psychology course, then I should be all set!  It's too scary to even think about.  My mom is starting to bug me about graduate school, etc.  I'm not ready for all this.  I wanted out so badly and now that it's here, I don't want to leave.  The world out there is far scarier than in here, and not as sunny as I once thought.


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