Twenty-Five Things I'm Grateful For Today

one.  My month in Spain last summer

two.  My sister, Dana, for sharing the bathroom mirror

three.  The New England Patriots

four.  Medium French Vanilla coffee with one sugar when I'm so tired I can barely stand upright

five.  Nice boys I don't know who buy me coffee when I smile at them

six.  My no-longer squeaking brakes

seven.  My mom, who always knows just what to say

eight.  Ellen Degeneres, for the giggles and smiles she brings

nine.  The opportunity to receive a college education, even though it's hard work and positively brutal at times

ten.  Sunshine

eleven. My Macbook

twelve.  Jane Austen and happy endings

thirteen.  Legally Blonde the Musical

fourteen.  Ellen, my advisor and favorite professor, for keeping me level-headed

fifteen.  My aviator sunnies I bought in Barcelona, perfect for these bipolar spring days

sixteen.  The Gap because it gave me the opportunity to meet Emily and Zac, my coworkers, who have become two of my closest friends

seventeen. V5 pens

eighteen.  The Band Perry's song "Done" - it reminds me of a certain person, haha.

nineteen.  The fact that I'm too tired to be annoyed by the irritating know-it-all in my American Lit and Writing About Lit classes

twenty.  Hoodies and yoga pants being semi-socially acceptable to wear to class

twenty-one.  The freedom to love whomever I like

twenty-two.  My friend Alyssa who sends me funny Snapchats to cheer me up, even though I never respond

twenty-three.  Nice people who opened the heavy doors to the science building for the handicapped girl

twenty-four.  That my friends Ericka and Charlie were able to adopt their little girl from South Korea just before Christmas, before this craziness with North Korea started

twenty-five.  Being alive and loved, safe and content.


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