Happy Almost Friday!

  • Sometimes I have these brilliant ideas for a blog post or something I want to remember to research, but it's at a time that's totally inappropriate for me to write it down in my phone (in other words, in the middle of biology lecture or American lit lecture or Writing About Lit lecture).  So I have decided to start carrying around a little notebook to write down these little tidbits in.  My planner doesn't have room and I hate to waste a huge lined notebook on things like that.  I have the perfect one in mind and I know it's somewhere in my bedroom - I just have to find it...
  • Today the weather was extremely bipolar.  It poured rain, wind practically blew me over, the clouds cleared and the sun poked its head out.  It started off warm even though the rain was cold.  Then as the clouds began to part, the temperature plummeted.  It went from sixty degrees to twenty in seven hours.
  • My best friend Brianna is like my own little pocket Bible sometimes!  She gave me my very own Bible on my seventeenth birthday, and it has been very near and dear to my heart every day since.  I've never been particularly religious - I grew up as the daughter of a minister turned professor of sociology and theology, and a Catholic-raised but Agnostic converted scientist.  My parents never thrust any religion upon me and allowed me to come to my own conclusions about what I believe in.  I honestly don't know what I believe and it's nice to be at the age where I don't have to have all the answers right now; a lot of people my age are questioning their religious beliefs during this time in their lives.  While it's been nice all these years to be blissfully ignorant, I've found that my lack of Judea Christian knowledge can be somewhat detrimental to my education.  Often times I struggle with literary works that have Christian references and I almost failed World History I in tenth grade because I couldn't keep all the religions and crusades straight.  Last night as I trudged my way through John Winthrop's sermon "A Model of Christian Charity" for American Lit class, I realized that she was the perfect person to translate the gibberish for me.  That speech is thick, let me tell you.  So she explained the jist of it to me and I managed to figure the rest of it out, which earned me bonus points during today's lecture when I knew things none of my classmates did.  So thank you, Bri!  She's such a smartie.
  • I was leaving the library with my friend Hannah when the hem of my raincoat got caught on the handicap button to open the door.  It tore a small hole and while I was upset about that, I was more upset that I proceeded to be jerked backward and take out the entire line of people behind me.  Library whiplash - there's a new one.
  • I received about five pairs of socks for Christmas from my grandmother, yet somehow they have all mysteriously disappeared.
  • Poetry is not my thing.  It's never been my thing but it wasn't until now that I realized the extent of it.
  • I finally caught up on The Big Bang Theory and the latest episode was great!  Penny, Bernadette and Amy attempted to try to understand their guys' fascination with comic books. At first the girls are unable to see why the guys would like them but they eventually start to fight over the powers of Thor's hammer.  When they go to Stuart's comic book shop to get his advice on which comics to pick up, all the guys in the store stare at them:

       If you're female and have never been a comic book store - like a proper comic book shop, you have no idea.  It may seem like this was exaggerated for the sake of comedy but it's not at all; that's literally what happens.  Bottom line - if you are mildly attractive and of the opposite sex, they stare.


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