Sometimes In My Free Time...

  • I take my sister and her friend to the mall in the morning, shop and then drop them off at home about four hours later.  I then am picked up by my best friend Paige and return to the same mall to shop for another four hours.
  • I help my mom by scanning receipts and entering data into her laptop for her in preparation for tax season.
  • I make a dent in the stack of books I have been planning on reading.  We're talking nine books in four days.  Beat that!
  • I make snow angels in the two inches of snow that have fallen in the past five hours.
  • I research flights from Boston to Orlando.  We're going to Disney in June!  Woohoo!
  • I watch episodes of The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries television show from the 70's.  I've loved the novels since I started reading them around age eight.  This television show though - bell-bottoms, shirts with the top button undone and pumpkin-orange paneled vans, oh my!
  • I clean out my closet and fill five plastic trash bags with clothes to be donated.
  • I fake-plan out how I would direct specific musicals.  I also sketch costume and set designs.
  • I pretend to shop for textbooks online while I really play on Tumblr and Pinterest for hours.

Procrastinating like a pro.  Bazinga.


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