
     When you're a commuter at my school, you suddenly become a crazy, creepy stalker with aggressive driving habits. The parking is very limited as a result of the installation of a brand new parking garage - about a mile off campus that no one wants to park at and hoof from, and the biggest parking lot on campus being ripped out to make room for a green area and walkway. No student is happy about these changes, including the residents because they have to allow an extra 10 minutes walking time in order to cross campus (the new walkway connecting the two is still under construction).
      When you leave class to go to your car after class, you find yourself being followed. A car is usually creeping along behind you, hoping that you are in fact leaving campus. This is truly an awkward situation for both parties - the follower and the followed. No one enjoys being a creepy stalker but when it comes to parking on this campus, it's a dog-eat-dog world.  If you are following someone who happens to be leaving, there's always one guy who's late for class and/or lazy who tries to steal your spot. Suddenly a huge wave of primal aggression comes over you and a flurry of unattractive vocabulary you didn't know you possessed comes flying out of your mouth. If you in fact beat him/her to said parking space, you breathe a sigh of relief and go on your merry way. If you don't, you are forced to continue circling the lot, awaiting to follow the next poor schmuck leaving class.
      That all being said, I am not a person who likes being late to class. I would much rather leave obnoxiously early in the morning to park and be there on campus. If you do it that way, then you're there and don't have to fight the swarming paranas. Sure, you lose sleep. Let's face it, I'm driving to campus at 7:15 for an 11:15 class. This forces me to sit and drink some coffee (maybe one of these days get some actual work done as well).  Hey, you gotta do whatcha gotta do.


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